I looked at this website a couple weeks ago. I went through pages of it with my roommate, pointing, laughing, having a good old time. Afterward, I thought about it... what the website was, how I viewed it, what effects it had on me. I came to the conclusion that the results of me participating in that sort of entertainment put me into a stance of looking at certain people as subhuman, viewing them not as people but as objects. I quickly noticed the similarity between that stance and the stance that came from my pursuits of pornography. Both things started out as semi-not-so-good, but quickly showed the power to build a wall between me and my fellow man. In both cases, the prevention of my love for these people made way for my new found desire to harm them instead. For the walmart folks it was making fun of people. For the porno girls it was wanting to use them for my own pleasure at their own expense.
The thing is social outcasts (like the peopleofwalmart), and people with an unhealthy self image (like the girls that do pornography) are probably some of the people that are the most in need of real, selfless love.